showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagsplayer opts
We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story HiTech (Hi Tech Expressions)1993 city city-newyork-ny consoleclassix dinosaurprotagonist dinosaurs disappearingplatforms earth jumppads lives movie movingplatforms rooftops score usa single playerlabelimageminimize
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past  Nintendo1991 achillesheelfoes amoeboids ancientenemy automap ballistics bees bossbattles bows bridge burrowers cemetery centauroids chapel childprotagonist children chosenone cloaking compositeattacks consoleclassix currency dashing directionalforce directionalforce-movingsurface disappearingplatforms doors elvenprotagonist elves fae fish floatingeyes forcedpolymorph forest fortunetelling foundmaps giantinsects giantworms groundslamming gunblades heads healingstations healthwarning humanoidprotagonist illequipped itemget keys ladders lamp lethalobjects limitedcapacity lockpicking lutris magic maleprotagonist map meleeweapons minigames mode7 monsters mountain mummies mystics nohumans outlaws parallelworld plains rewardingvandalism rocketjumping ruins saveram secrets seers shields shinto shooting-gallery shopping shovels similliteracy skeletons slipperysurfaces snakes snesclassic sourcecodestolen stealing stealingnpcs stunning subterranean swords teleportmaze testudines titularcharacter town traproom treants trees undead unexpectedsituation wasteland wiivirtualconsole wintery zelda zelda-universe zeldalike single playerlabelimagesubject